Quite ok...
...but not good enough for a quickie actually :/.
Quite ok...
...but not good enough for a quickie actually :/.
The sound was incredibly good. Your graphics are 1337!!! Storyline's a bit complicated but this movie is tha sh#t! :)
You're extremely talented, keep up tha good work, bro :o)
I had to see the movie twice because I closed it after the part that says 'EDN' :/.
well at least you watched the end
*gna gna gna*
Cool fighting scene, dude! Nice job, you sure got talent :)
Been there, done that...
"Héhé....maybe my friend Ross Snyder" :p
Not bad but a bit boring...
Good stuff for a quickie ;)
A feel-good movie :)
The scenario is very original. Very nice part with Tom Fulp....a bit touching :/.
"There's plenty in the garden!"
*gna gna gna* good job, Rasp :)
This could have been good...
It was a good start but than things didn't work out :/.
Looks like SC-stuff :s
Proud member (#12) of Team BLAM-or and ADG/BC Super Mod :) NG BBS User Of The Day on 9 feb. 2002 8o)
Age 41, Male
Like u care.....
Joined on 1/4/01