Preloaders should be made like that.....a good preloader is a good start :)
Preloaders should be made like that.....a good preloader is a good start :)
Thanks. You do know that I have made other things that are more entertaining and what not. Also, I looked in your profile (as I do for any one I respond to) and noticed you got BBS UOTD on my birthday! Cool, huh? I didn't think so either.
The fight was too short :'(
Great drawing :)
It had potential but no story.....good enough for a short movie :)
Nice graphics, bro' :)
I don't like pickles either :s
Damn gory !!!!
This makes me cry........I've been bad too :'(
uhm.....Parks....that's a game boy you got there
The "P. Diddy" game looked excellent and Glen was cool too (Bigfoooottt..hahahahahaha.... .frickin' sweet)
Sarah was sophisticated like always and the Dean was damn funny :p (He even stole the move of Teenwolf ;) )
Optimus Prime acting dumb and Mike being weird....
GOD.....I luv this stuff!!!!!
CU is still the best and it will be 4ever :))
Damn, I had this feeling....
Been there, done that.......:s
Why did Zhu make this one, I mean, Xiao Xiao 3 was much better, it could be he made this one first (?)....anyway, XX3 was better :)
The book was pretty fun as a critic :)
Ytown public was indeed quite exciting...you did a good job, Marcus :))
héhéhé.......you call that a joke?
That's just stupid :p:p:p
The Book is the most stupid character in the series. Either you love him or... like some mad men... you want to rip his pages out! Haha!
Thanks a lot!
Proud member (#12) of Team BLAM-or and ADG/BC Super Mod :) NG BBS User Of The Day on 9 feb. 2002 8o)
Age 41, Male
Like u care.....
Joined on 1/4/01