We love soccer!
Well made game...you don't need BRILLIANT graphics for this 8)
We love soccer!
Well made game...you don't need BRILLIANT graphics for this 8)
Nice preloader, dude!
A very inventive idea. Original of ya ;)
Real tough
I like hitting frogs but it doesn't look like I'm good at it. I've hit just 1 :/.
Quite nice...
It wasn't that easy but it sure was a bloody way 2 die ;)
Too frickin' hard
I had 0 out of 35 :p
Looks challenging but I don't like boxing that much myself :/.
I'll decide...
...when you upload tha full game/movie :s
Well done
You made a good short 'shooting'game, nice work!
Could be better
The idea was quite good, try to make it longer and add some extra stuff!
Proud member (#12) of Team BLAM-or and ADG/BC Super Mod :) NG BBS User Of The Day on 9 feb. 2002 8o)
Age 41, Male
Like u care.....
Joined on 1/4/01